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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Pedals2People Bike Class

Tonight was bike repair class #2 and this is what we were up against. Tires, tubes, and chains. I would really prefer that I never have to use these skills while I am out on the road but just like the Boy Scouts (or is it Girl Scouts) I will be prepared! Before we even get started Deanna finds a different use for the tubes. Naughty! We just can't take her anywhere! Put the tube down Deanna!
John, our instructor, taught us how to patch a tire. Can you believe you have to sand the surface of the tube? The trick is not to sand the tube too much because then you have created a bigger problem! Two holes in the tube!
We are still sanding!

Rubber cement and a patch work wonders!

If you want to hurry the patching process along you can hold a match close to the rubber cement on the tube and warm it up to jump start the drying process. I decided I would not use this technique for obvious reasons!
I am thinking that perhaps I am getting the...are you taking ANOTHER picture...look from Sheila!
Great instructor and fun people down at Pedals2People! We learned a lot and they put up with our silliness!
Tire pumps! What kind? How do you carry one?

Now the chains. What happens if they break out on the road? Of course if they break close to REI we are all going there to get them fixed. Right Deanna?
John showed us his wallet and it was made from recycled tire tubes. Very clever. We all thought he should start a business selling the wallets! Not to be out done Sheila and Deanna found a way to recycle the bike chains! Bracelets! Could mean early retirement for them if the business takes off!
After we patched tires, repaired chains, learned to clean chains, and more we posed for a group picture. Thanks to all of you that helped us learn to be beginning bike mechanics. We learned a lot and had a great time! Check out pedals2people!

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