Blog Moving

I have changed my email address and had to change my blog address also. This blog will be here forever but for further blog posts please visit my new address at

The blogs look almost exactly the same. There is also a link to the right of this blog!

Friday, August 31, 2012

This is the best group of friends a person could ever have.  On Wed. the doctor said I could get on the road walking again.  I threw out an invitation for anyone to join me and here they are.  Not only did they make the trip to Seattle several times to be with me when I had the aneurism but they are doing fundraisers to help also.  I know there were more friends involved in all of this and I want to say thank you again to all of you for being there for me and my family.  Prayers work.  I get overwhelmed with your love and kindness every time I think of all of you!
 I had no idea how far I could walk and here I am at one mile.  The trail is out and back so I was committed to 2 miles at this point.  There was some talk about carrying me.  haha
 Here is the group at 1 mile.  We laugh a lot when we are together.  Just what the doctor ordered.  Love these ladies.
 Team Gleason on the Fish Lake Trail in Spokane, WA
 A random picture.   No posing!
 Wait for me.  I don't walk as fast as I used to but really, leaving me behind???? They didn't really.  I had two people with me!
 Our traditional coffee after the walk,. As we pulled up to the Rocket Bakery I looked for my brand new camera.  No where in my car. We searched every inch.  I didn't want to lose my new camera but I was also worried about losing my blogging pictures.  AHHHH!  All of us gave the car a once over more than once.  I tried to remember the last time I had it in my hands.  Wendy and I decided to drive back to the Fish Lake Trail.  Camera was nowhere to be seen.  When we got back to the Rocket Bakery another search.  I had just about given up and I heard a happy yelp from Wendy.  On the way to the bakery I had to stop quickly for a pedestrian. The camera and my phone were sitting in the passenger seat.  Of course I couldn't remember putting them there.  When I stopped the camera and phone slide off the seat and up the floor board and lodged themselves under the dashboard area.  Not that high but not sure how to describe it.  Whew.  Thanks Wendy.  Now I have my blog pictures oh and my new camera is back!  I blogger without a camera is a disaster!

 3 miles completed today.  I was so happy.  A miracle that I am alive and healing so quickly.  I had to include the picture where I put my fingers in front of Sheila.  We are all just sort of like that.
 OK now the three and you can see everyone except Freida because she is taking the picture.
What a morning.  3 miles 2 months after a ruptured brain aneurism that most people don't survive.  God has a plan for me and I am here and ready God.

1 comment:

Jacquee Layton said...

Jackie you look AMAZING!! Way to go!!