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Sunday, January 22, 2012

California Dreamin' Jan. 2012

The sisters got together for the weekend.  We got to celebrate Patti and her success on the Daniel Plan together.  We had so much fun together.  We laughed a ton!  That is such a good thing!  I love them both so much! 
Here is Patti 110 pounds lighter.  We are on our way to the one year rally for the Daniel Plan at Patti's church.  Both of my sisters have done great job losing weight.  It is hard and they both did it.  I am so proud of both of them!
Two silly ladies!  SISTERS!  Patti and DeeDee!
This is part of Saddleback Church.  With the help of some professionals the church started on the Daniel Plan for health a year ago.  This is an area of the church that is for the kids.
Walking up the steps to the rally.  This church is huge.  Even though it is huge it  is very warm and welcoming.  

Patti and Dr. Amen the brain doctor.  He is one of the doctors that got this eating plan going.  We could tell stories here couldn't we!
Pretty Patti!
This is the practice for those who were going on stage.
Patti and her friend Elizabeth.
The rally started with some praise music!

Pastor Rick Warren has lost some pounds too.
Here is Patti being introduced to the audience.  They showed her before picture on the big screen!

All the weigh loss people on stage were asked to bring one item that they wore before the program started.
Wow!  What a difference!

Billy Blanks was part of all this and helped people with their exercise program!

Dee-Dee and I got front row seats!
We got some great eating tips.  The thing I remembered the most was planning ahead!  Sunday plan your food for the week!

The rally was over and DD, Patti and I went to Patti's to watch the Saints game. As you probably know it did not have the ending we hoped for! We had fun watching together though.  Just before the game was over we had to leave for my tattoo appointment in Newport Beach!

Our family tattoo guy, Rick, had my mother's name tattooed on his arm after she died.  Lucy 25-09!  He did a butterfly tattoo for her when she was in her seventies.  He has done tattoos for Patti and her son Josh.  We tried to talk Dee-Dee into getting one and I think she almost caved but after a conversation with her granddaughter she said no! She was there for moral support though.
Here it is 1/2 done.
Ok, the story behind the tattoo. Stephen (who as you know has ALS) did a promo picture for Team Gleason.  In the picture he has the word Inspire written on his arm. Mike came home from New Orleans right before I left for CA and said Stephen believes his job now is to INSPIRE others to live their lives fully.  He does inspire that is for sure.  The eagles and the soar are for my favorite Bible verse, Isaiah 40:31. Those who hope in Lord with renew their strength, they will soar on wings like eagles.  When an eagle soars they use none of their own power.  When we trust God we get our power/strength from God.  A tattoo for Stephen and for me.  I think the two tie together perfectly!
Sunday the rest of the family came over for dinner.  It was so good to see everyone.  I went out and took some pictures of the view Patti has from her home.

Jessie hung out with me while I took pictures.  Jessie is my nephew's daughter.  What a cutie.
Grant is sitting on Jessie.  Nice family picture.
See Jessie's hand? Patti, Jackie, and Sarah look a bit squished too.

Josh and Sean were at Patti's too.  I can't believe I didn't get a picture of them.  I will see if Dee Dee got one and add it. Monday came and it was time to go home.  The morning started with a walk.  Patti kicked my butt.  Uphill like you can't believe.  Patti did 4 miles and I stopped at 2 because I was concerned about being so sore I wouldn't be able to walk normally.  After the killer walk I had to get my traditional California flip flops.  Always get a pair when I am there.  Dee-Dee, Patti and I headed to Jack's Surfboards via my old Newport Beach stomping grounds.  Jack's is right by where I hung out when I lived in South CA.

The beach is just at the end of this street!

I was trying to get a picture out the back window of the beach.  It was so fun playing and trying to get the picture I kept doing it.  I snapped this happy picture of my sister Dee-Dee.  She looks happy!  Love this picture! Never got the beach but this is way better.
Had to get a quick shot of where Keri and Kristin were born.  Hoag Memorial Hospital.  I think this might be the parking garage and we actually made it into the hospital for their births!
What a great weekend.  Nothing like hanging out with your sisters.  I am so blessed to have the best sisters ever.  We love each other and would be there for each other no matter what.  I can't wait to see them again! Love you DeeDee and Patti!

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