As always Kristin and Layne were up at the ski area getting ready to ski. Justin is trying to take care of his knee (surgery) and let it heal and he had Lucy duty today.
My second pair of skis were the red, white, and blue stripped K2 skis. I still have them but there are no bindings on them. They have to be about 35 years old. The ones making up this chair are not the old ones. They are the newer stripped ones. K2 decided to resurrect the design on the ski.
Just coming out of the lodge! Great day! I am ready to go so the camera came out while Mike finished getting ready!
Mike is getting geared up!
This fine blurry man jumped in front of the camera so I took a picture of him. I told him he would be on the blog. He giggled like I was kidding!
Can you believe this day. It was overcast in Spokane but we went right through the overcast into the sun!
We got up to the mountain early and there was a bunch of corduroy snow. Love the sound of it as I ski over it!
Tear it up Layne and Kristin!
Taking pictures of myself on the chair lift. It kept me occupied!
Lovely. Kristin and Layne are in the chair in front of us!
There was a race course set up on the run we intended to go down for the first run of the day. We decided to take another one. Great for the adults but pretty tough for 5 year old little legs. Layne shows no fear though. Kristin finally had to pick her up and ski down with her. I know the picture is blurry but I had to put it on the blog. Kristin was amazing skiing with Layne in her arms down that hill!
It is always handy to keep the ski patrol near! Just in case!
At the top!
Smile for the camera Jackie!
and Layne
I am sure she is smiling under all that gear. Can't you see it?
Kristin, Layne, and Mike heading down the hill. The sun was just starting to make its way over the ridge!
Kristin! She is the best skier I know and she loves every minute on the hill.
More of God's handiwork!
Here he comes! MIKE! Looking good!
He swooshed by me! Nice form Mike!
Great day of skiing. 49 is such a great place to ski. No crowds, nice people, good skiing. Time for the Honda to take Mike and I down the mountain for the last time!
Bye Bye car.
What a fabulous day! Both Mike and I ended the day with, "That was fun!" and it was!